Chris Pratt Literally Looks Completely Different With His New Beard

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This is not an exaggeration!!

Chris Pratt is really hot. We know that. It's cool, common information.

Chris Pratt is really hot. We know that. It's cool, common information.

Getty Images

Yadda yadda... the man is hot, okay.

Yadda yadda... the man is hot, okay.

So, to get to the point and the reason why you clicked: Chris Pratt grew a really hot *larger* beard for a movie role and it's a problem.

So, to get to the point and the reason why you clicked: Chris Pratt grew a really hot *larger* beard for a movie role and it's a problem.

The following image is behind a graphic reveal because this type of hotness isn't safe for people with weak hearts.

The following image is behind a graphic reveal because this type of hotness isn't safe for people with weak hearts.

Jaxn Lynx / AKM-GSI

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17 Not-Too-Scary Halloween Movies For People Who Are Easily Scared

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Sometimes you just want to watch a Halloween movie and NOT have a heart attack.

If this is you watching scary movies...

If this is you watching scary movies...

...then you could probably use some movie suggestions for Halloween that AREN'T super scary. We got your back.


Hocus Pocus (1993)

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Hocus Pocus is most definitely a movie for kids, but the nostalgia factor for those who grew up watching it makes it a Halloween necessity. For other adults, the delight of watching Bette Midler, Kathy Najimi and Sarah Jessica Parker play the Sanderson sisters makes for good October entertainment.

Scariness Factor: ?


The Addams Family (1991)

The Addams Family (1991)

The perfectly cast movie adaptation of the classic TV show makes for great family-friendly viewing around Halloween, especially since there are enough jokes in here to keep the grown-ups entertained. You could watch Addams Family Values too, but that's best saved for Thanksgiving.

Scariness Factor: ?

Paramount Pictures

Beetlejuice (1988)

Beetlejuice (1988)

Scary only in the most cartoonish, Tim-Burton-ish sort of ways, Beetlejuice sets the perfect tone for Halloween without specifically being a Halloween movie. Also, Michael Keaton is a national treasure.

Scariness Factor: ?

Warner Bros.

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What Would Your Degrassi Drama Be?

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Whatever it takes, nobody leaves Degrassi unscathed.

Bell Media // BuzzFeed Canada

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Tell Us About Yourself(ie): Andy Daly

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Jesse Grant / Getty. Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

What's the wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

On my phone, it’s a picture of my kids making kooky faces and my computer has the default Mac star field, because I’ve never found anything more attractive than that and I’m sure I never will.

When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?

These days I tell the bartender to make me a non-alcoholic cocktail and usually use the words “surprise me”. As long as they don’t surprise me with alcohol (which has never happened) the results are always delicious.

What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?

There are little reaction words I throw around too casually, words like “wow,” “weird” and “crazy.” They’re habitual and I use them in reaction to some pretty mundane situations. Trying to curb that.

What is the last thing you searched for on Google?

“How [to] make whipped cream.” It turns out you have to whip cream.

Who is the last person that called or texted you?

I’m doing some guest work right now on the Fox comedy Grandfathered and I just got a text from someone on the production alerting me that my 6:48 a.m. call time has been changed to a 6:30 a.m call time. Horrible news.

What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?

Unless I am safely within the walls of my home, I feel like every situation is at least a little bit awkward. I just soldier on and try not to do anything that will make anyone, including myself, hate me. What else can you do?

When is the last time you went to a theater?

The last time I went to a theater was the night I performed an evening of nonsense in Portland. But the last time I went to SEE something in a theater it was a great movie called People, Places, Things starring Jermaine Clement. He did a Q&A afterwards and was really funny and charming and he’s great in the movie too.

What TV show should everyone be watching?

Review, silly! If you have’t seen any of it, start from the beginning of Season 1, which is streaming someplace, probably or on the Comedy Central app? Or buy it iTunes if you got the scratch, daddy!

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

And what is your TV guilty pleasure?

MSNBC. I put it on after my wife goes to bed sometimes. It’s totally empty calories, as is all cable news, but I like hearing people drone on pointlessly about politics sometimes.

What's the first CD you bought?

I know the first LP I bought was Rod Stewart’s Do Ya Think I’m Sexy. I was in the 2nd grade. Why am I admitting to that? The first CD in our home was purchased by my older brother and it was The Who, Live at Leeds. We listened to that sooo many times.

What is the one food you cannot resist?

I have a very hard time passing up any kind of chocolate unless it looks really cheap or gross or processed or it’s mixed with dumb shit like hazelnuts and whatnot. But high quality chocolate in any form — cookie, cupcake, bar, bunny, dripping from a fountain — will get me every time.

What music are you currently listening to?

I’m in the middle of an REM kick, revisiting old favorites and checking out some of the later stuff I missed. Also the Chemical Brothers new album. Oh! I also just rediscovered an old favorite song called "You’ll Never Do It Baby" by Lyres. That opening drum groove is the only drum groove you’ll ever need.

What movie makes you laugh the most?

I haven’t seen This Is Spinal Tap in a while. I don’t know how much I’d laugh at it today but I saw that in a theater in college and I’ve never had a better time at a movie. And I wasn’t even high and it wasn’t even the first time I’d seen it.

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

What drives you absolutely crazy?

My aforementioned older brother was just telling me that if he walks into a Starbucks and there’s any kind of a line, he suddenly thinks to himself, “Why would I waste any of the time I have left on earth standing here doing nothing?” and he walks out. I’m not that existentially impatient, but I relate. Waiting when I want to be somewhere else can make me bananas.

What's your favorite day of the year?

Sorry for the obvious answer but Christmas is pretty reliably great. I also get awfully excited about my birthday, so I’m giving you the two most obvious answers. But, really, what did you expect?

What was your first online screen name?

My experience with screen names has usually been that the first three I try are already taken so I come up with something totally nonsensical out of frustration, like Glormsmanal8 or flippgastric95 and then I can never log in again because there’s no way to remember something that random and stupid.

What's your favorite emoji?

The nose.

Pick one: Kittens or puppies?


Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

New York or Los Angeles?

New York.

Comedy or drama?


Bacon or Nutella?


Coffee or tea?


'80s or ‘90s?


Britney or Christina?

No opinion.


Even less of an opinion.

Beyoncé or Rihanna?


Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?

I have no idea who Lizzie McGuire is and all I know about Hannah Montana is that she’s a fictitious character who used to be played by someone who’s name, any time I hear it in any context, makes me exhausted. So, Lizzie McGuire?

And finally: tell us a secret.

I didn’t learn how to tie my shoes properly until I was in my 30s. Before that, I employed the controversial “two rabbit ear method.” Feels good to get that off my chest. Thanks Buzzfeed.

Watch Andy on Review, Thursdays at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central.

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

13 Beautifully Creepy Behind-The-Scenes Photos Of "Edward Scissorhands"

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“Hold me.”

Tim Burton chats with Johnny Depp and Vincent Price during filming for one of Edward's flashbacks.

Tim Burton chats with Johnny Depp and Vincent Price during filming for one of Edward's flashbacks.

20th Century Fox

Edward runs out of places to run near the end of the film, as the neighborhood turns against him.

Edward runs out of places to run near the end of the film, as the neighborhood turns against him.

20th Century Fox

Edward shows off for Kevin's schoolmates on show-and-tell day.

Edward shows off for Kevin's schoolmates on show-and-tell day.

20th Century Fox

Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder share a scene as Tim Burton watches.

Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder share a scene as Tim Burton watches.

20th Century Fox

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Blake Lively Is Shutting Down Her Lifestyle Site

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R.I.P Preserve: 2014-2015.

Let's take a journey back to the ancient year of 2014. Blake Lively is on the cover of Vogue and announces her new lifestyle brand, Preserve.

Let's take a journey back to the ancient year of 2014. Blake Lively is on the cover of Vogue and announces her new lifestyle brand, Preserve.

Mario Testino / Vogue

Flash forward to 2015 and IT'S DEAD NOW, PRESERVE IS DEAD.

Flash forward to 2015 and IT'S DEAD NOW, PRESERVE IS DEAD.


We have an incredible team of people who do beautiful work, but we launched the site before it was ready, and it never caught up to its original mission: It's not making a difference in people's lives, whether superficially or in a meaningful way. And that's the whole reason I started this company, not just to fluff myself, like, 'I'm a celebrity! People will care what I have to say!' It was so never meant to be that, and that kind of became the crutch because it was already up and already running, and it's hard to build a brand when you're running full steam ahead — how do you catch up?



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Diddy's "I Need A Girl (Part One)" Was The Perfect Early Aughts R&B Song

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I need a girl to ride, ride, ride.

Diddy --- Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy --- has been blessing us with his talents since the 90s, but he truly owned the aughts.

Diddy --- Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy --- has been blessing us with his talents since the 90s, but he truly owned the aughts.

Remember when he coined the term "bitchassness" on Making The Band? I still use it to this day.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images

It begins with a thoughtful Diddy taking off his sunglasses and staring into the camera.

It begins with a thoughtful Diddy taking off his sunglasses and staring into the camera.

Bad Boy /

Then fades into a party...

Then fades into a party...

Bad Boy /

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"The Returned" Gets Even Creepier In Season 2

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Watch the first trailer for the new season of the Sundance cult hit, only on BuzzFeed.

Season 2 of Sundance TV's award-winning, cult-followed series The Returned debuts on Saturday, Oct. 31 and BuzzFeed has your exclusive first look at the trailer!

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When the show returns, it's been six months since Simon (Pierre Perrier), Camille (Yara Pilartz), Claire (Anne Consigny), Julie (CĂ©line Sallette), and Victor (Swann Nambotin) disappeared into the night with the deceased and half the town flooded.

When the show returns, it's been six months since Simon (Pierre Perrier), Camille (Yara Pilartz), Claire (Anne Consigny), Julie (CĂ©line Sallette), and Victor (Swann Nambotin) disappeared into the night with the deceased and half the town flooded.


And things are normal... for, like, a second.

And things are normal... for, like, a second.


Because the departed have returned and it does not appear that this time away brought anyone closer.

Because the departed have returned and it does not appear that this time away brought anyone closer.


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Which ShondaLand TV Show Is Actually The Best?

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Mer vs. Pope vs. Addy vs. Annalise.

Shonda Rhimes makes some of the best melodramatic television on the box.

Shonda Rhimes makes some of the best melodramatic television on the box.


With a diverse range of badass women owning the screen.

With a diverse range of badass women owning the screen.


And moments that are way, way too deep.

And moments that are way, way too deep.


Of course, this leads to dynamite performances from her incredible casts.

Of course, this leads to dynamite performances from her incredible casts.


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17 Of Your Favourite Things According To "The Sound Of Music"

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The things you remember when the dog bites, the bee stings or you feel sad.



Why this could be your favourite thing: A flower that goes well with other species or on its own bunch, daffodils will surely make you smile.

Alexraths / Getty Images

Green meadows

Green meadows

Why this could be your favourite thing: Endless possibilities right here, whether you're into running, growing a farm or just sitting around in a circle with a guitar and a repertoire of songs.

Mike_pellinni / Getty Images

Skies full of stars

Skies full of stars

Why this could be your favourite thing: This is the stuff for dreamers. You can lie down on your back all night, alone or with a companion, and stare at the universe before you.

Mikko Lemola / Getty Images

Raindrops on roses

Raindrops on roses

Why this could be your favourite thing: Oh, how fragile. How absolutely elegant.

La_corivo / Getty Images

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17 Times Chris Hemsworth Had The Most Adorable Family In The History Of The World

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Family goals.

When Chris made it very clear how in love he is with his amazing wife, Elsa Pataky.

And when they romantically looked out into the distance while chilling on a boat.

When their twin sons Tristan and Sasha were the epitome of cuteness in their little seats.

And when they held hands and you literally died from the adorableness.

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Hugh Jackman Honoured A Late Fan In The Sweetest Way Possible

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“May his spirit live on.”

Hugh Jackman just shared a snap of himself holding a Wolverine picture beside journalist Marie Lozano.

Today I had the great pleasure of meeting this lovely lady, Marie Lozano from the Philippines. Her brother, Jeffrey, had Down Syndrome. He passed away 2 years ago. Marie shared with me that one of Jeffrey's joys in life was painting. When he lost the use of his hands he continued to paint with the brush in his mouth. I accept this gift in Jeffrey's honor. May his spirit live on.

Lozano, who is a journalist for ABSCBN in the Philippines, told BuzzFeed she was interviewing Jackman for his latest film, Pan.

"I think it was fate that I was assigned to interview Hugh on the day of my brother Jeffrey's second death anniversary. At the end of the interview, I gave him Jeffrey's mouth painting and told him the story behind it."

"The painting I gave Hugh was one of his last works before he passed away. I wanted to honour Jeffrey by giving his painting of Wolverine to Wolverine himself." / Via

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Who Was The Ultimate "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Couple?

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For a Hellmouth, there sure was a lot of lovin’.

Let's be honest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of the most iconic shows of all time.

Let's be honest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of the most iconic shows of all time.

The WB

And it created some pretty damn memorable romances too.

And it created some pretty damn memorable romances too.

Bangel ❤️.

The WB

Remember the intense relationship between Spike and Drusilla?

Remember the intense relationship between Spike and Drusilla?

The WB

Or the beautiful bond between Tara and Willow?

Or the beautiful bond between Tara and Willow?


The WB

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