Everything You Wanted To Know About "The Heroes: Reborn" Cast

via BuzzFeed

Top row from left to right: Zachary Levi, Kiki Sukezane, Robbie Kay, Judi Shekoni, Ryan Guzman.

Bottom row from left to right: Danika Yarosh, Gatlin Green

You've probably had a gaping hole your heart ever since Heroes went off the air, but the good thing is that hole can now be filled because Heroes: Reborn is here and things are good again.

The cast is almost completely brand new (save a few of our favorites from the original), and a bunch of them stopped by BuzzFeed in Toronto, the city they are all living in while they shoot the series there. Zachary Levi, Kiki Sukezane, Robbie Kay, Judi Shekoni, Ryan Guzman, Danika Yarosh, and Gatlin Green were our players in a game of cast superlatives. Here's what went down.

Most Likely to get caught taking a selfie?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Henry," Kiki: "Ryan," Robbie: "Henry," Judi: "Henry," Ryan: "Henry," Danika: "Robbie," Gatlin: "Danika."

Robbie: (To Ryan) You do! You do on Snapchat.

Ryan: Those are private! Those are just for you, Kiki.

Most likely to be found at craft services?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Henry," Kiki: "Toru," Robbie: "Ryan," Judi: "Zach?," Ryan: "Anyone but me!," Danika: "?," Gatlin: "Robbie."

Gatlin: This is the only person I really work with.

Robbie: I've never even worked with you before; I'm just assuming.

Zachary: (To Danika) Question mark?! Commit to something!

Most likely to initiate a post-work hangout?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Robbie," Kiki: "Robbie," Robbie: "Me," Judi: "Robbie," Ryan: "Robbie," Danika: "Robbie," Gatlin: "Robbie or Zac"

Even though you guys said you don't all work together a lot.

Judi: We didn't say we don't play together!

Ryan: Yeah, it's pretty unanimous.

Gatlin: (To Zachary) I got you on there!

Zachary: Oh, I like that I got an honorable mention!

Gatlin: We eat dinners a lot.

Danika: [Robbie's] the planner of everything.

Zachary: Game night!

Judi: Mortal Combat.

Robbie: We haven't done that in a while; we need to do that again.


Biggest Troublemaker?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Jack," Kiki: "Franchesca," Robbie: "Henry," Judi: "Zach?," Ryan: "Jack, Henry, Zach, Robbie, Toru," Danika: "Henry," Gatlin: "Henry <3."

Judi: Basically every guy in our cast is a troublemaker.

Most likely to break out in song randomly?

What they wrote: Zachary: "This Guy," Kiki: "Zac," Robbie: "Gat + Zac," Judi: "Zacalicious," Ryan: "Zach," Danika: "Zac or Gatlin," Gatlin: "Me & Zac"

Judi: Now that's a really difficult one.

Zachary: Yup, yup, yup, yup. I'm trying to harmonize with you guys.

Most likely to brighten your day?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Gatlin," Kiki: "Henry," Robbie: "Everyone!," Judi: "The Heroes cast! Zach?," Ryan: "Kiki," Danika: "Everyone <3 ," Gatlin: ":) Errybody, yo! <3 <3 <3 <3."

Gatlin: Everybody, yo!

All: Awwwww.

Ryan: I'm going to change mine now. Everybody! That's what I meant.

Zachary: Gatlin is Welsh for "all people."


Biggest on-set prankster?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Henry," Kiki: "Toru," Robbie: "Ryan," Judi: "Henry," Ryan: "Anyone but me!," Danika: "?," Gatlin: "Robbie."

Zachary: [Henry] the most devilish!

Robbie: (To Ryan) One time we were on set and you changed my seat.

Ryan: I did prank Robbie.

Most likely to show everyone pictures of their cat or dog?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Gatlin or Danika," Kiki: "Ryan," Robbie: "Danika," Judi: "Zach?," Ryan: "Gatlin," Danika: "Gatlin or me?," Gatlin: "Me!"

Gatlin: These are my cat's names.

Who is the biggest texting addict?

Danika: I don't know!

Robbie: Think: Who texts on the group most?

Judi: You mean to each other? Or just generally texting out?

In general or however you want to answer the question.

Judi: I just want to get it right. I just want to do a good job for you and my cast members.

Zachary: There are no wrong answers. Just really stupid people.

What they wrote: Zachary: "Eve," Kiki: "Eve," Robbie: "Eve," Judi: "Zach," Ryan: "Eve," Danika: "Eve," Gatlin: "Robbie #TBH."

Gatlin: (To Robbie) Well that's links! She always sends links.

Best dancer?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Ryan," Kiki: "Ryan or Henry," Robbie: "Henry," Judi: "The Ryan Gman," Ryan: "These Guys <----," Danika: "Ryan," Gatlin: "Ryan...duh #StepUp."

Zachary: (To Ryan) Don't be so humble dude.

Most likely to be a hero in real life?

What they wrote: Zachary: "Kiki," Kiki: "Jimmy," Robbie: "Jack," Judi: "Danika," Ryan: "Jack," Danika: "Ryan or Kiki," Gatlin: "Ryan."

Zachary: I'm Kiki train all the way. Kiki is like a total badass sword, ninja warrior-ess animal.

Gatlin: (To Ryan) And you're strong.

Zachary: Jack is the glue. Danika is just super mysterious.

Robbie: She's ethereal.

Zachary: (To Kiki) why Jimmy? Because of the accent?

Kiki: Yeah, and he's so big. And vegan.

Zachary: Big, vegan, and has an accent. That says it all.

Watch Heroes: Reborn on NBC Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/7 CT.

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