9 "Game Of Thrones" Fan Theories That Make The Show Better

via BuzzFeed

Wait, y’all think Roose Bolton is a WHAT?

Roose Bolton is an undead creature who steals faces and nails them onto his own.

Roose Bolton is an undead creature who steals faces and nails them onto his own.

This theory, referred to as "Bolt-ON" (get it, he bolts them on) is only sort of a joke. The Bolton family preference for removing people's skin is oddly specific, and lots of emphasis in the books in placed on how Roose Bolton never seems to age.

An extra-scary version of the Bolt-on theory says that Roose is keeping Ramsay around solely to harvest his skin.

HBO / Via towerofthehand.com

Syrio Forel is Jaquen H'gar

Syrio Forel is Jaquen H'gar

According to this theory, the Faceless Men have been keeping an eye on Arya Stark long before she left King's Landing. Syrio's death is never explicitly depicted in the books or the show, and seeing as he is from Braavos it's possible he has a connection to the House of Black and White.

Jaquen already seems familiar with Arya when they meet, which implies that he already knew who she was before she freed him from the burning carriage.

HBO / Via charactergrades.com

Bran accidentally cannibalized Jojen Reed.

Bran accidentally cannibalized Jojen Reed.

While hanging out north of the wall in that giant weirwood, Bran is fed a paste made up allegedly of weirwood seeds. There is something red floating in the broth, and Bran worries that it looks a lot like blood. This theory states that is IS blood, notably the blood of Jojen Reed, who is increasingly weakened by his stay in the tree and disappears from the text after Bran drinks the paste.

HBO / Via tumblr.com

The Hound is alive and is going to THROW DOWN with his undead brother.

The Hound is alive and is going to THROW DOWN with his undead brother.

This theory states that The Hound Sandor Clegane did not die of his wounds (in both the show and the books Arya refuses to euthanize him). He survived and has been in hiding ever since his "death."

Concurrently, The Mountain Gregor Clegane DID die when Oberyn Martell poisoned his blade in their battle for Tyrion's freedom but was brought back to life by Qyburn, who put the new Frankenstein's Mountain on the Kingsguard.

Now that Cersei requires a trial for her crimes against the Faith, she will call upon the undead Gregor to be her champion, and the Faith of the Seven will call for a champion of their own; Sandor Clegane will jump at the chance to finally face his hated elder brother in an amazing, badass, bro-on-bro CLEGANEBOWL. Get hype!

HBO / Via fanpop.com

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