9 New Facts About Diversity That Prove Nothing's Really Changed In Hollywood

via BuzzFeed

Shit is bleak, y’all.

There were far more speaking roles for men than there were for women in both film and television.

There were far more speaking roles for men than there were for women in both film and television.

Men made up 71.3% of all speaking roles in film, leaving 28.7% of speaking roles on the big screen for women.

The numbers for television weren't that much better. On broadcast networks, women filled only 36.4% of speaking roles; on cable programming, 37.3%; and on streaming, 38.1%. That's pretty bleak, considering we all thought television was more diverse than film.

Walt Disney

At least half or more of all cinematic, TV, or streaming stories failed to depict one speaking or named Asian or Asian-American on screen.

At least half or more of all cinematic, TV, or streaming stories failed to depict one speaking or named Asian or Asian-American on screen.

It's not that hard, people. Master of None's main cast alone includes two Asian-American characters!


The majority of characters of color with speaking parts in film were male.

The majority of characters of color with speaking parts in film were male.

Specifically, 65.6%.

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

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