This Crazy Lip-Dub Of Olivia From "The Bachelor" Will Haunt Your Dreams

via BuzzFeed

Is #DinosaurGoals a thing? Now it is.

Olivia, a recently eliminated contestant from "The Bachelor", is well-known for some ridiculous moments and the exaggerated expressions she makes with her mouth.

Instagram: @oliviacaridi

After ABC posted a compilation of Olivia's biggest mouth moments, some genius dubbed over it with sounds from the depths of hell.

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Who is making these sounds?? Are they a T-Rex celebrating victory? Are they a robot being pulled apart piece by piece??

Who is making these sounds?? Are they a T-Rex celebrating victory? Are they a robot being pulled apart piece by piece??

Facebook: CommonGirI

Whoever it is, they've nailed the art of lip-dubbing.

Whoever it is, they've nailed the art of lip-dubbing.

As Olivia would say, "GRAHHHDFKKAAAAAHH!!!"

Facebook: CommonGirI

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