Who Was Really The Worst Character On "The L Word"

via BuzzFeed

People hate on Jenny, but how can you defend Tina!?

One of the best parts about reminiscing about The L Word is discussing which character was just the absolute worst — there are so many to choose from!

We don't need to waste time talking about who we loved on the show. We loved Alice. Alice is who we loved. Moving on.

We don't need to waste time talking about who we loved on the show. We loved Alice. Alice is who we loved. Moving on.


Jenny Schecter

Jenny Schecter

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Oh, Jenny. It's widely known what most of the fans think of her, but for every Jenny nay-sayer there is a Jenny Truther defending her. Can the masses forgive and forget all the horrible things she did for her few moments of glory? I mean, she did gift us with the term "Vagina Wig".

Remember this sentence she actually muttered: "I'm working on a story right now about a woman who's mute from birth, but then she realizes she's able to speak the language of the manatees."


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