15 Things You Should Know About What Teens Think About Music

via BuzzFeed

Even THEY don’t get what’s up with Justin Bieber.

Let's face it: Teenagers aren't just the future, they're TASTEMAKERS.

Let's face it: Teenagers aren't just the future, they're TASTEMAKERS.

Seriously, teens are so, so savvy when it comes to #trends — especially music trends — and they're also WAY smarter than anyone gives them credit for. That's why I had to ask members of the BuzzFeed Community, along with my high-school-aged sister and her friends what's hot and what's not in popular music today. The answers to my wide-ranging survey shed light on what teens REALLY think about music, and boy, were there some serious surprises. It's important to note that this post is entirely based on responses to questions I asked, and it's not data driven — so take away from it what you will. But without further ado, I present to you...


Ed. Note: I've condensed and edited these responses for clarity.

Anne-christine Poujoulat / Getty Images

"Cool" music is overwhelmingly defined as just what YOU want to listen to.

"Cool" music is overwhelmingly defined as just what YOU want to listen to.

We asked teens: Alright, what music is ACTUALLY cool to listen to?

They answered: Most responses were along the lines of: "I guess not caring what people think of your music taste is cool."

Cool music didn't seem to be defined by a particular artist or genre (though yes, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé ARE still cool, according to teens). What matters more is that you're listening to what YOU want to listen to because "'cool' is rather subjective." Basically, teens DGAF what anyone thinks about their music choices — "there's really no basis for cool music."

And really, isn't that what listening to music SHOULD be about — rocking out to YOUR tunes? To put it in the words of one teen, "to me personally though what's cool is if you actually listen to music that you like, and not because it's trendy or that's what everyone else is listening to." Amen!

— Facebook users Flora Pick, Yza White, and Paulius Daunys


What's NOT cool to listen to? Pitbull, Iggy Azalea, and country music, for starters.

What's NOT cool to listen to? Pitbull, Iggy Azalea, and country music, for starters.

We asked teens: And what music would you NEVER be caught dead listening to?

They answered: Time and time again, I saw Iggy and Pitbull mentioned in the comments, as well as country music. Someone pointed out "no one likes jazz...or Iggy Azalea" which kinda makes sense), and another teen said he would ONLY listen to Pitbull "ironically."

As for country, well...I'll let a real teen take it from here. "Luke Bryan is a name that comes to mind. Who the hell even is that? All I know is that he's a country singer with two first names."

Also, a sleeper for least popular music genre amongst teens is CLASSICAL MUSIC and jazz because "they give me headaches and they make me feel pretentious." HARD AGREE.

And there you have it!

Abbsters05, briahiggin, and Facebook users Alison Eppley, and Kate Van Hecke

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