64 Thoughts I Had Watching The Season 3 Premiere Of "Hannibal"

via BuzzFeed



1. Hannibal's on a motorcycle!
2. This action movie opening will lure in NBC's typical viewers, probably.
3. Oh, shit! Europe!
4. Hannibal is eyeing this dude, we've already got gay subtext it's been five seconds
5. Two dudes are talking about poetry. Is this a porn?
6. This elegant champagne poppin'.
7. "Bonsoir." French has never sound so damn creepy.
8. Hannibal slicing up meat that looks good AF, this show always makes me worry if I'm a cannibal.
9. Hannibal just killing people and eating them in their own houses in Europe, giving no fucks.
10. Damn did he even take long to prepare that meal? Season the meat? White people never marinate their damn food overnight smh.


11. Now we're in black and white?! This show is too damn artsy for network TV.
12. Even Mad Men never hit em with da black and white.
13. Hannibal and Bedelia dancing!
14. This random Italian dude is pressing Hannibal about Dante, like damn, my European holiday wasn't this stressful.
15. Gillian Anderson looks too flawless for WORDS.
16. Unzip that dressssss Hannibal.
17. Bedelia about to roll up the goddamn partition.
18. What's the Italian word for partition?
19. Shit, Bedelia could draw me a bath whenever she wants I'd go straight for her.

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