Chris Evans And His Brother Uploaded A Video Of Them Singing Together And It's Adorable

via BuzzFeed

A literal bromance.

This is Chris Evans and Scott Evans. They are brothers. They also happen to be very nice to look at.

This is Chris Evans and Scott Evans. They are brothers. They also happen to be very nice to look at.

Jason Merritt / Getty Images

Turns out maybe they should also start a band, because they uploaded a video of themselves casually singing at home over Memorial Day weekend.

OK so they aren't like, ready to win a Grammy or anything, but it's adorable because it's Captain America and his brother singing together.

OK so they aren't like, ready to win a Grammy or anything, but it's adorable because it's Captain America and his brother singing together.

But really the most important part of the video is at :37 when Chris suddenly looks up from tickling the ivories, and stares into the camera/ our souls, and smiles.

But really the most important part of the video is at :37 when Chris suddenly looks up from tickling the ivories, and stares into the camera/ our souls, and smiles.

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