Lennon And Maisy Stella Find Out How Well They Know Each Other

via BuzzFeed

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Lennon and Maisy Stella first captured the attention of audiences when the singers started uploading covers to YouTube. After the world heard their rendition of Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend" it was settled: This sister duo was here to stay. Now they both star on ABC's Nashville, and have recently put out a children's book called In the Waves. Lennon and Maisy stopped by BuzzFeed, and we decided to put the sisters to the test to see how well they know each other. Here's how they fared.

What is Lennon's favorite color?

What is Lennon's favorite color?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Maisy: I don't know how to spell this. Is that right? I don't know. Probably not.

Lennon: Oh yeah, good one though. It is turqoise. You're right. You're more right.

Maisy: Lime green is my favorite color!

What is Maisy's pet peeve?

What is Maisy's pet peeve?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Maisy: We just talked about this the other day.

Lennon: I need to think give me a few seconds. I'm a good listener, I swear! Chewing with your mouth open? I know it! Give me a hint?

Maisy: Texting.

Lennon: Ohhh! I know it!!!

Maisy: OK that's a good one too. I'm going to give her that point. But when people just say, "Hi," if you don't have a question or a reason to text me, I don't want to hear "Hi." Because there's no reason to text me.

What food can Lennon not live without?

What food can Lennon not live without?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Both: Yay!!!

Lennon: I love me some chips and dip. Regular chips, with French onion. Or, I hate all sports, but the snacks. When my dad makes layer dip. So good.

What is Maisy's spirit animal?

What is Maisy's spirit animal?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Lennon: Or a bunny, because they are very jumpy jumpy. A monkey is probably better actually.

Who is Lennon's celebrity crush?

Who is Lennon's celebrity crush?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Lennon: Both old men.

What word does Maisy use most often?

What word does Maisy use most often?

Maisy: I do say "like" a lot. I used to get in trouble in school because in my writing, I'd say "like" in my head and then write it.

What is Lennon's favorite karaoke song or artist to sing?

What is Lennon's favorite karaoke song or artist to sing?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Lennon: "Wannabe."

Both: I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want!

What is Maisy's favorite emoji?

What is Maisy's favorite emoji?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Maisy: This is the crying laughing one and that's the heart eyes. You got that.

What is Lennon's Starbucks order?

What is Lennon's Starbucks order?

David Bertozzi /BuzzFeed

Lennon: No whip. I'm such a diva.

What is Maisy's favorite pizza topping?

What is Maisy's favorite pizza topping?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Lennon: Pineapple?

Maisy: I love pineapple! Cheese is not even a topping; it comes with every pizza!

Lennon: She loves cheese.

What's Lennon's favorite reality TV show?

What's Lennon's favorite reality TV show?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Lennon: Either The Real World or Jerseylicious. You choose.

Maisy: OK Real World. I watch that with Charlie and I'm like, OK they are just beating each other up! I like Jerseylicious 'cause I like Tracy.

Who is Maisy's favorite artist right now?

Who is Maisy's favorite artist right now?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Maisy: I have three. OK you can't laugh at my third one.

Lennons: Not that I don't love these amazing humans, it's just the total opposite for me right now.

What would be yours?

Lennon: It would just be a lot less pop.

If Lennon could be on any other show besides Nashville, what would it be?

If Lennon could be on any other show besides Nashville, what would it be?

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Maisy: That's my favorite show.

Lennon: I can't be on your favorite show?

Maisy: I call Aria, OK? You choose you; I'm Aria.

Lennon: I'm Emily.

Maisy: No, No. You're Hanna. It's on hiatus right now and I'm dying.

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

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