Movie Characters Singing "Uptown Funk" Is Amazing

via BuzzFeed

One dedicated YouTuber edited enough quotes from movies to put together all the lyrics to “Uptown Funk.” It’s too hot. Hot damn.

This is Bruno Mars in the "Uptown Funk" music video.

This is Bruno Mars in the "Uptown Funk" music video.

You know how the song goes, don't you?

Sony Music Entertainment

These guys are not Bruno Mars.

These guys are not Bruno Mars.

In fact, they're Terry Gilliam from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Emilio Estevez from The Mighty Ducks. But they're still singing "Uptown Funk."


Dedicated YouTuber dondrapersayswhat used movie clips like those to recreate the entire song, and it's kind of amazing.

The creator says it took three months to make, and the video contains clips from 280 movies.

That's impressive.

That's impressive.

DreamWorks Pictures

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