Record Number Of Film And TV Projects Apply For California Tax Credits

via BuzzFeed

More projects than ever are competing for California’s limited incentives.

The set of ABC's Revenge, which films in Manhattan Beach, California.

Colleen Hayes / ABC via Getty Images

LOS ANGELES — The number of film and television projects applying for California tax credits has risen more than 30% from last year, a record, according to data released by the California Film Commission Tuesday.

The Commission began accepting applications for credits Monday, and received 497.

"We do hear over and over again that [California] is where producers and filmmakers would like to work," Amy Lemisch, Commission executive director, told BuzzFeed.

Filmmakers apply in hopes of getting a piece of the state's $100 million awarded annually to entice filming to California over other states and countries which also offer incentives. Those projects that receive subsidies are decided by lottery.

In 2013, 380 applications were received on the first day and 32 projects were ultimately awarded credits.

"More people wanted to take a chance at applying," said Lemisch. She said the increase wasn't expected. "It's really impossible to forecast."

This will be the sixth year California offers tax incentives for film production.

A bill to expand the state's incentives was passed by the state Assembly last week. Some supporters of incentives, including Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, argue the state must increase it's annual cap from $100 million to compete with other states like New York which offers more than four times the amount.

LINK: How Subsidies For Hollywood Became Sexy

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