The Biggest Winners And Losers Of Comic-Con 2014

via BuzzFeed

The Avengers and Game of Thrones impressed, but fans of Fantastic Four and American Horror Story: Coven were left in the dust.

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Paramount Pictures

Winner: Game of Thrones, for breaking real news about Season 5

Winner: Game of Thrones , for breaking real news about Season 5

Of the 21 things that needed to happen at Comic-Con, the TV one I was most exited to see come true was Game of Thrones announcing Season 5 casting — in particular, the trio of ladies who will play Dorne’s Sand Snakes. Although, judging from the insane roar inside Hall H when this casting video debuted, no one’s wildest dreams included Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow. As if the wait for new episodes in 2015 wasn’t already tough enough… — Jarett Wieselman

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