Ranking The Characters On HBO's “The Wire” By Likability

via BuzzFeed

“Ain’t nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree day.”


Twelve years ago, perhaps the greatest series ever to grace television made its debut.

HBO had a gem on its hands in The Wire, though almost no one watched while it was on the air, a reality that kept the series constantly on the chopping block. Thankfully, enough people tuned in to keep the gritty show airing for five seasons.

The Wire, created by David Simon, highlighted the grim reality facing some of the nation's largest cities. Places that once were the crown jewels of industry are now dying slow, painful deaths that no one — police forces, hallowed halls of academia, or political chambers — can help avert. (A reason, perhaps, for the lack of audience? The stories are a little too close to home, and play out like a too-real reality show you badly want canceled.)

Still, even six years after its ending, the show sparks debate about its larger-than-life-characters, who felt so real, it's almost difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Smartly, HBO is bringing The Wire back to life, in a manner of speaking. Starting Dec. 26, the network will marathon all five seasons of the series, this time airing a remastered HD cut of the show. There won't be any new episodes or an alternate ending, but this is a chance for fans to re-watch the show — or check it out for the first time — in a new, sharper format.

In honor of all of us Wire fans being forced to live on our couches for days this holiday season (thanks, HBO), and some of you newcomers who are playing catchup on the show you heard about but never watched, here are the cast members of every season of the show, ranked from least to most likable.

Let the rebutting begin!


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