14 Pieces Of Advice Mindy Kaling Has For Women

via BuzzFeed

You asked, she answered.

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

I went on a vacation with my mom and dad to Buenos Aires for 10 days and I always had a good relationship with my parents, but I wasn't one of those girls — you know those girls or guys, I'm always very jealous of them, who talk to their mom or dad once a day? Although I got along very well with my mom and dad, I was never like that. I don't know why we all decided to go on this trip just the three of us, but it was one of the most memorable trips I ever had and the reason I say you should do it in your twenties is that if you just got out of college and you haven't lived with them for a while, it really was the time when I started loving my parents as people and not as my mother and father. I got to spend a lot of time with them individually and it strengthened and really deepened my love for them in a way that I later really appreciated. Especially now that I don't have my mom around anymore. I felt like, Oh, I got to see what she was like as a woman. Not in a way where you're too young — you don't want to see that at all, you'd rather die — but in my twenties I was able to handle it and really appreciated it, so I recommend that.

I'm very sorry you work under those conditions where what clothing you wear defines what kind of person you are. I do think that in, like anything else, it's not an easy answer, but if you're just good it doesn't matter if you're wearing a SpongeBob SquarePants costume. I have noticed that if you want to wear lipstick it doesn't mean you can't have gone to college. Unfortunately the answer is hard work kind of excuses anything. I work with comedy writers who are much more sort of artsy and forgiving, but they're mostly guys who wear zip-up hoodies and when I come in wearing an outfit with makeup and did my hair, you get teased. But, at the same time, it's like, if you are just funny and good and are the first one in, last one to leave, it's unimpeachable. You can look however you want.

Macey J. Foronda / BuzzFeed

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