Condoleezza Rice Dropped A Music Video For Independence Day

via BuzzFeed

MC Condi in the house.

Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice marked July 4th by making her music video debut with this classical remix of "Amazing Grace."

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In the video Rice and Baker play to an empty church while old videos of soldiers going to war are projected over them.

"It seemed only appropriate to release the video in conjunction with the 4th of July weekend," Rice wrote, "as we recognize the blessings we have in this country and the sacrifices of our servicemen and women for our freedom."

"I know that God gave us this land of Freedom," Oaks commented on Rice's video, "and I am so grateful to those who serve to protect these freedoms!"

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The former National Security Advisor, who describes herself as a "Pianist, Golfer, Avid Football Fan" on Facebook, dropped the single in collaboration with "pro-family" lifestyle website

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