Last Night Rihanna Kidnapped Me, And This Is What Happened

via BuzzFeed

S.O.S., please someone help me!

Hi, my name is Sam, and last night, I was kidnapped to watch the premiere of Rihanna's "Bitch Better Have My Money" music video. my story.

So here's where it begins: I was invited to an event — run by Tidal, Jay-Z's streaming service — that somehow involved Rihanna.

So here's where it begins: I was invited to an event — run by Tidal, Jay-Z's streaming service — that somehow involved Rihanna.

That's pretty much all I knew about my evening, officially titled "TidalXRihanna," aside from the event was supposed to run from 7-10 p.m. and I had a reserved parking spot, which I was very stoked about. I didn't know what was going to happen, who was going to be there (though I *assumed* Rihanna because like, DUH), or if I was going to eat dinner (what, I was hungry?!). I truly was going in blind, and of course my mind was racing and coming up with scenarios where I might be partying with BadGalRiRi. But wouldn't you do the same?

Roc Nation

The first question I had when I got to the event was, "What am I getting myself into?"

The first question I had when I got to the event was, "What am I getting myself into?"

The evening started at a nondescript office building in West Hollywood. It was pretty much the exact OPPOSITE of where you would expect BadGalRiRi to show up, but whatever. There, we were served food — pizza and chicken wings, etc., aka the type of stuff Rihanna probably eats after passing that blunt. This is ALSO where the night took its first big turn: WE HAD TO HAND IN OUR CELL PHONES. Yup, no phones were allowed for the event.

But that was just the start.

Sam Stryker / BuzzFeed

We then had to take buses to LEAVE the first location.

We then had to take buses to LEAVE the first location.

We weren't told where we were going, and for a large part of the ride, we were blindfolded. I felt like I was on the Fifty Shades of Grey bus or something. Along the way, we also played Rihanna trivia and guess the lyrics. Also, I totally tried to peak out of my blindfold to figure out where we were going, but the only thing I could figure was we were headed downtown. I'M SORRY RIHANNA, PLEASE DON'T HOLD IT AGAINST ME!!!

Getty Images for Tidal

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