This 18-Year-Old Is Making Some Of The Best Mashups Out Right Now

via BuzzFeed

Especially Taylor Swift ones.

Andy Wu came into my life precisely three days ago when a BuzzFeed community user posted a mashup that gave me significant life. It's called "Taylor Swift's Perfect Fight Song" and it is the definition of "instantly iconic*."

*meaning it is was iconic upon it's creation.

Because it was so iconic instantly, I did a deeper dive and found the person who made this God-like mix is an 18-year-old from Taiwan named Andy Wu. To my surprise and absolute delight, Andy Wu had made mashups for all of Taylor Swift's 1989.

Because it was so iconic instantly, I did a deeper dive and found the person who made this God-like mix is an 18-year-old from Taiwan named Andy Wu. To my surprise and absolute delight, Andy Wu had made mashups for all of Taylor Swift's 1989.

Madonna's "Bitch I'm Madonna" vs. "Bad Blood"

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