This Photo Of A Young Harrison Ford Will Awaken Your Force

via BuzzFeed

May the phwoars be with you.

We know Harrison Ford today as Han Solo, Indiana Jones, and a fervent anti-spoiler activist.

We know Harrison Ford today as Han Solo, Indiana Jones, and a fervent anti-spoiler activist.

Jason Merritt / Getty Images

But before he was an actor, Ford worked as a carpenter – a job that would ultimately lead him to meeting George Lucas, and getting cast in the original Star Wars.

Last week, musician Sergio Mendes shared this photo from 1970 of Ford and his woodwork crew, who had just helped to build Mendes's recording studio.

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"The Force Awakens"! Before Han Solo, there was a great carpenter named Harrison Ford. And here he is, with his crew, the day he finished building my recording studio back in 1970...Thank you Harrison...may the force be with you...

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