Monica Potter Believes It's About Time "Parenthood" Featured A Gay Character

via BuzzFeed

Following the Parenthood Season 5 finale, Potter — who plays the impassioned Kristina — told BuzzFeed that Haddie wasn’t always going to have a simple coming out.

Parenthood had gone five years without introducing an LGBT character, but that all changed with the show's fifth season finale, when Haddie Braverman (Sarah Ramos) returned home from college with her "super-awesome best friend" Lauren (Tavi Gevinson).

Like many fans, Monica Potter — who plays Kristina Braverman on the NBC drama — was excited to finally have this storyline included in the show. "Thank god we did," she told BuzzFeed. "I'm like, 'We live in Berkley!' Even if we didn't live in Berkley, I'm like, 'C'mon, lets go!'"

While Haddie initially kept her feelings for Lauren to herself, Max (Max Burkholder) barged in on the two kissing, and later asked his mother, "If two girls are kissing, does that mean that they're lesbians?" Kristina, in true Kristina fashion, decided to take it upon herself to sit down with her daughter and get everything out in the open.

Emily Orley / BuzzFeed


Emily Orley / BuzzFeed


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