Marvel Comics' New Captain America Will Be African American Sam Wilson

via BuzzFeed

Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada announced the change on The Colbert Report .

The new Captain America in the Marvel Comics universe will be Sam Wilson, aka The Falcon, Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada announced on The Colbert Report late Wednesday.

The new Captain America in the Marvel Comics universe will be Sam Wilson, aka The Falcon, Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada announced on The Colbert Report late Wednesday.

After original Captain America Steve Rogers has his super serum sucked out of his body, thereby losing his super-soldier abilities and instantly aging some 60 decades — because comic books — Rogers' longtime friend Wilson will take up the mantle of Captain America in a new Marvel Comics title, All-New Captain America.

This is the second major announcement of a change to Marvel's roster of superheroes in as many days, after the company's revealed that the new Thor be a woman on The View early Tuesday. In fact, as reported by Entertainment Weekly , the new Cap is part of larger, ongoing changes among the Avengers called "Avengers NOW!" — including a reimagined suit for Tony Stark's Iron Man.

Like the change with Thor, Quesada stressed that this will only affect the comics — for now, Chris Evans will continue to play Captain America in the Marvel Studios films.

And also like the change with Thor, this new Captain America is likely to cause controversy among many comics fans. In the more than 70-year history of Captain America, characters other than Steve Rogers have carried Cap's shield, but this is the first time a black character has taken on the role of Captain America.

Colbert addressed the historic change on the show with Quesada, joking, "Doesn't that make him Captain African-American?"

"I don't see colors," Quesada responded.

"If you don't see colors," responded Colbert with a smile, "how do you do comic books?"

Developing… more soon…

Stuart Immonen / Marvel

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