45 Tips To Help You Join In On TV Conversation At Thanksgiving Dinner

via BuzzFeed

Because are you really prepared to talk about football? WARNING: This post is filled entirely with spoilers!

CBS via owenhunted.tumblr.com

CBS via owenhunted.tumblr.com

1. Homeland finally got good! So good.

2. Did you see that car crash coming?

3. But also, why would the third highest terrorist lead the charge? Doesn't he have men to do that for him?

4. I'd miss Saul, I wouldn't miss Carrie.

5. Watching Cary plead guilty on The Good Wife totally made me cry.

6. Cary is the best.

7. The show CANNOT lose Cary and Kalinda in the same season.

8. Oh, the Kings... I hope they have some crazy tricks up their sleeves.

9. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for Valerie Cherish coming back into my life.

10. And all I want for Christmas is for Beth on The Walking Dead to never sing again.

11. I love baby Judith, but, like, she's kind of zombie bait at this point.

12. Seriously, though, how does baby Judith get all of these new baby clothes? Like, she's more stylish than I am.

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