The Definitive Ranking Of The Parents On "Parenthood"

via BuzzFeed

Which of these characters would you trust with your kids?

Seth Holt (John Corbett)

Seth Holt (John Corbett)

Amber and Drew's father is an easy choice for the worst parent because he barely qualifies as one. He's long been in and out of his kids' lives (mostly out), and though he occasionally tries to be a dad, the good vibes never last long.

Pros: In fairness he has done a couple decent things: He once stopped Amber from driving drunk, and he gave his kids cards for every one of their birthdays he missed (before, uh, taking off again).

Cons: A lot, but it's hard to get past the fact he's pretty much ignored his kids since they were born.


Hank Rizzoli (Ray Romano)

Hank Rizzoli (Ray Romano)

Hank has been an emotionally detached father to his daughter, Ruby, and left the majority of the parenting to his ex-wife, Sandy. His recent realization that he may have Asperger's, however, has inspired some growth as a parent.

Pros: Breaking up the house party Ruby threw when her mom was away was a major step forward for Hank. He not only handled the situation himself (as opposed to letting Sandy do it), but learned the important lesson that it's OK if your kids don't always like you.

Cons: It's a little late for Hank to be finally figuring this parenting thing out considering his daughter is already a teenager.


Renee Trussell (Tina Lifford)

Renee Trussell (Tina Lifford)

She's strong-willed and exactly what people think of when they hear "mother-in-law," but clearly has a deep love for Jasmine, Jabbar, and Aida (and even Crosby).

Pros: She's always willing to help (even if it's usually on her terms).

Cons: She pushes her own agenda on her daughter's family (as seen in her recent suggestion that Crosby become a realtor), and doesn't seem to care much about what they think.


Sandy (Betsy Brandt)

Sandy (Betsy Brandt)

We don't know all that much about Sandy, but she seems very committed to her role as a parent even if she is overly stern and often frazzled.

Pros: She's unafraid to roll up her sleeves and tackle the hard parts of parenting.

Cons: She's humorless and strict to a fault. She would probably have a better relationship with her daughter if she did more of the kind of bonding that Sarah did with Ruby when she took her shopping and watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High.


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