5 Pieces Of Heartwarming Dad Advice From Stephen Colbert

via BuzzFeed

OUT of character, too!

Rookie has a fantastic video feature called "Ask a Grown Man," in which great guys (past contributors include Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd, Jimmy Fallon, and Thom Yorke) give completely honest answers to teen girls. The latest contributor — STEPHEN COLBERT.

Via rookiemag.com

Question: "When guys, especially teenage guys, do stuff like cat call and make jokes about rape, do they know their behavior is harmful?"

Question: "When guys, especially teenage guys, do stuff like cat call and make jokes about rape, do they know their behavior is harmful?"

Further wisdom from Colbert: "Does our society educate boys to be misogynistic? It probably doesn't value girls and women as much as it should. Boys probably see that as a signal that they can get away with things. Like devaluing women."


Question: "My dad won't let me sleep at my boyfriend's house ... when I try to discuss it with him, he gets very angry ... I've been with my boyfriend for a year, and my whole family approves of him..."

Question: "My dad won't let me sleep at my boyfriend's house ... when I try to discuss it with him, he gets very angry ... I've been with my boyfriend for a year, and my whole family approves of him..."

Further Colbert dadisms: "But [your dad] may think that sex and a relationship aren't the same thing. Maybe he's more traditional."


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