7 Teen Movie Dystopias, Ranked By Coziness

via BuzzFeed

A timeshare in Panem doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.

Panem, The Hunger Games

Panem, The Hunger Games

Severe social stratification, with the poorest people starving in their own separate District so the rich people can focus on whether they want their steak medium or medium-rare without raggedy distractions? Televised fights to the death that for some reason do not seem to cause much class tension until a winner who's poor in capital but rich in integrity threatens to kill herself on television? All-around awful, not interested, no.

Lionsgate / Via giphy.com

The Community, The Giver

The Community, The Giver

No hunger? No war? Free healthcare? You can leave your bike outside without even having to lock it? Honestly, the Community appears lovely on the surface, but because of the overwhelming whiteness of the population, we have to assume the Community is the result of a race war, and a racist society is a bad society no matter how many balanced meals everyone is getting for free.

The Weinstein Company / Via crushable.com

Future dystopian Chicago, Divergent

Future dystopian Chicago, Divergent

Again, on the surface, Chicago doesn't seem like a bad place to be: It retains the distinctive architecture of the Chicago we all know and love today; the government will teach you to spar; you get to spend all your time hanging out with people who have similar personalities, which apparently makes society run smoothly. But did you know that less than half the population of Chicago is white? Why are the heroes white? Where did all the black people go?! Suspicious.

Summit Entertainment / Via trisandfour.com

London, V for Vendetta

London, V for Vendetta

This may not be strictly a teen movie, but it probably defined your politics in middle school, so deal with it. "Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof." IDEAS ARE BULLETPROOF?! Well fuck, if I'm not tearing up like a 16-year-old again — the poeticism of this one-man resistance movement almost makes this dystopia seem appealing! Is there extensive oppression and thought policing in this society? Yes. Is the hero a self-sacrificing man in a mask who mysteriously has enough money to mail a Guy Fawkes mask to every person in London? Yes. Is it weird that some mystery rich dude is the hero? Certainly. Also, gayness isn't allowed for some reason? Ugh, fuck this place, never mind.

Warner Bros. / Via vforvendettablog.tumblr.com

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