There Is A Gay Couple In "The Expendables 3," Apparently

via BuzzFeed

“You guys want to get a room?” says Sylvester Stallone. SPOILERS ahead, but does it really matter?

Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Expendables 3

Phil Bray / Lionsgate

Jet Li in The Expendables 3

Phil Bray / Lionsgate

The last movie one would probably expect to see a gay couple is in a bullet-soaked action spectacular starring Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Wesley Snipes, Harrison Ford, about 73 other action stars, and Mel Gibson as the bad guy. But it would appear there is indeed one in The Expendables 3, the latest installment in Stallone's omnibus action franchise, which opened in theaters on Friday.

(Warning: This story contains some SPOILERS, if there is such a thing for these movies.)

In the final scene of the film, the Expendables are at their favorite dive bar celebrating another successful mission of killing an endless parade of faceless bad guys. Lead Expendable Barney Ross (Stallone) approaches his old rival and friend Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger), who is commiserating with one of Ross' former compatriots, Yin Yang (Jet Li), both of whom swooped in to help save Ross' team in the climax of the movie.

"So, you're working for Trench now?" Ross asks Yang, who responds by just shooting Trench a knowing look and a smile. As Ross turns to walk away, Trench and Yang lean in even closer to each other, grinning so widely, they almost start to giggle.

"You guys want to get a room?" asks Ross.

"We don't need a room!" Trench says with a laugh. He pulls Yang in close, Yang rests his head on Trench's chest, and the two of them laugh contentedly.

As Ross walks away, Trench exclaims, "So jealous!"

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