The 101 Best Movie Dance Routines Of The Last 35 Years

via BuzzFeed

“God wouldn’t have given you maracas if he didn’t want you to shake ‘em.”

Chris Ritter for BuzzFeed

Hollywood has really stepped up its choreography game over the last 35 years, gifting audiences with hundreds of incredibly memorable — and mimicable — routines.

So, I laced up my red shoes to look back on the best live-action (sorry, Beauty and the Beast), American-funded (sorry, Strictly Ballroom) films from the last 35 years (sorry, Grease) to determine which routine set the barre the highest.

And away we go.

Peter's evil Spiderman 3 dance (2007)

Peter's evil Spiderman 3 dance (2007)

Choreographed by: Marguerite Derricks and Jennifer Hamilton

Under the influence of an evil alien parasite, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) gains a new wardrobe, an overinflated sense of self, and — apparently — the ability to literally sweep Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) off her feet.

Columbia Pictures

The Sweetest Thing's ode to the male organ (2002)

The Sweetest Thing 's ode to the male organ (2002)

Choreographed by: Robin Antin

Relying on moves popularized by a dozen other films that came before it (but mostly Grease), this salacious song came with an equally memorable dance routine.

Columbia Pictures

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