"Sex And The City" Writers Respond To Chris Noth Calling Carrie Bradshaw A "Whore"

via BuzzFeed

“Oh my god, that’s such a ‘Big’ thing to say!” SATC writers Michael Patrick King and Jenny Bicks respond exclusively to BuzzFeed News.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Chris Noth on the set of Sex and the City.

HBO / Getty Images

Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) had nearly 20 boyfriends over the course of Sex and the City's six-season run, but she wound up with John James Preston, aka Mr. Big (Chris Noth), by the end of the HBO series. And Noth made some comments about Carrie's dating history in a recent interview with news.com.au that are causing a bit of a stir.

"One of the things I tell people is that [Big] never tried to pretend he was anything other than what he was. It was [Carrie] who tried to pretend he was something he wasn't. He was always honest about himself — he never cheated on her," Noth told the Australian publication. "The relationship just didn't work, and he went on to get married while she went on to … how many boyfriends did she have? She was such a whore! [laughs] There's a misconception that Carrie was a victim of him, and that's not the case — she was a strong, smart woman."

Many have come to Carrie's defense, but BuzzFeed News reached out to those behind Carrie and Big to see what they had to say. "Well, I'm sure Chris was kidding when he joked that, note the laugh afterwards," Sex and the City co-creator Michael Patrick King told BuzzFeed News exclusively via email. "We always had a wonderful time working on SATC and I know he has the greatest affection for SJP as an actress and a friend. To take his comment any other way would be a 'Big' mistake." Though Parker was unavailable for comment, her rep also noted that Noth was "clearly joking."

SATC writer Jenny Bicks, however, had this to say: "Oh my God, that's such a 'Big' thing to say! I will totally agree with Chris (and one generally should, as he is very big) on the fact that Carrie was a strong, smart woman (most of the time). However, he seems to have forgotten that he may not have cheated ON her, but he certainly cheated WITH her when he was married and Carrie was single. So, I would say that's kinda slutty of Big. And also, not cool. Not cool at all. He's lucky she married him in the end."

Request for further comment from Noth was not immediately returned.

HBO / Via reactiongifs.com

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