Giuliana Rancic Recorded A Video Message Apologizing For Her Comment About Zendaya

via BuzzFeed

“I want to say to Zendaya and anyone else out there that I have hurt, I am so sincerely sorry,” Rancic said.

A day after Giuliana Rancic mocked Zendaya's dreadlocks at the Oscars on Fashion Police by suggesting she “smells like patchouli oil,” Rancic issued an apology in a recorded video message.

"I'd really like to address something that is weighing very heavy on my heart. I want to apologize for a comment that I made on last night's Fashion Police about Zendaya's hair. Now, as you know, Fashion Police is a show that pokes fun at celebrities in good spirit, but I do understand that something I said last night did cross the line. I just want everyone to know I didn't intend to hurt anybody. But I have learned it is not my intent that matters, it's the result. And the result is that people are offended, including Zendaya and that is not OK. Therefore, I want to say to Zendaya and anyone else out there that I have hurt, that I am so, so sincerely sorry. This really has been a learning experience for me. I've learned a lot today and this incident has taught me to be a lot more aware of cliches and stereotypes — how much damage they can do — and that I am responsible, as we all are, to not perpetuate them further. Thank you for listening."

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