John Travolta And Idina Menzel Revisited "Adele Dazeem" At The Oscars

via BuzzFeed

And Menzel got her revenge!

A year after John Travolta's bizarre mispronunciation of Idina Menzel's name at the 2014 Oscars — and a year after the birth of the Adele Dazeem meme — the two wickedly talented friends reunited on the 2015 Oscars stage.

A year after John Travolta's bizarre mispronunciation of Idina Menzel's name at the 2014 Oscars — and a year after the birth of the Adele Dazeem meme — the two wickedly talented friends reunited on the 2015 Oscars stage.


First, Menzel got a little revenge.

First, Menzel got a little revenge.


And Travolta said what we were all thinking.

And Travolta said what we were all thinking.


Then he fixed a year-old mistake.

Then he fixed a year-old mistake.

Though he did it by creepily grabbing her face.


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