16 Lingering "Big Brother 16" Questions Answered

via BuzzFeed

From Frankie’s controversial comments to Nicole’s future with Hayden and Caleb’s crush, the Big Brother 16 houseguests reveal all to BuzzFeed News in their first post-finale interviews.

What would have happened if Cody brought Victoria to the final two?

What would have happened if Cody brought Victoria to the final two?

After winning the final Head of Household competition, Cody had to decide whether he'd like to go against Derrick or Victoria in the finals. He chose Derrick, who went on to win the game and $500,000 by a 7 to 2 vote. But what would've happened if Cody chose Victoria instead?

In the Big Brother backyard, BuzzFeed News polled the jury members following the finale and found out that Cody would have won, 7 to 2, if he'd taken Victoria instead. "Wow, thanks a lot for telling me that," Cody joked when informed of the alternate results. That said, he wouldn't change a thing.

"I would have regretted not taking him," Cody said to BuzzFeed News. "Even if I won, I owed so much of my game to him, if I didn't take him, it would have been out of my character."

As for those two votes for Victoria, they were cast by Frankie and Derrick! "For backstabbing me like that, I'd vote for Victoria," Derrick said. Frankie reasoned, "I feel like it would have been the ultimate break of trust and loyalty, and that's what sent me out of the house, and it would be something I would not have respected in Cody's game."


How would Victoria have sold herself to the jury if she was in the final two?

How would Victoria have sold herself to the jury if she was in the final two?

Sticking with this bizzaro timeline theme, what would Victoria have said to the jury in order to convince them she deserved to win Big Brother since many of them considered her the ultimate floater? We asked her to deliver a version of her final plea and here's what she told BuzzFeed News:

"I have fought my way from the first competition all the way to the last, been nominated nine times, I've taken myself off five times, I was there for people when no one else was, that is a huge factor. And I really enjoyed playing this game and I never backstabbed or personally attacked anyone. I'm very proud of all of that, and hopefully you, the jury, will respect that and give me the $500,000."

While she would have never won, Victoria believes she played a flawless game and would have beaten Derrick in jury votes. "I think I played an amazing game," she said. "I wanted to play but know that when it was over, I could walk out with my head held high. I did not personally attack anyone, I tried to be there for people, and I am very proud of my game play. I made it to Top 3, so what else can a girl ask for?"


Zankie: Showmance or romance?

Zankie: Showmance or romance?

One of the year's biggest storylines was the relationship between Frankie and Zach, which was rather intimate considering that Zach is heterosexual. But was Zankie, as the duo came to be called, a genuine exploration of romantic feelings or simply strategy?

"It was all strategy," Zach told BuzzFeed News. "I never cuddle with men [in the outside world], but I'm playing a game for $500,000 — if someone wants to cuddle with me, why not? But it never went beyond cuddling. Hands didn't travel ... although Frankie kissed my neck and bit my ear a couple of times. Not saying I didn't like it."

For his part, Frankie said the affection was always reciprocated and those love bites were returned on more than one occasion — but he never actually believed something romantic could happen between him and Zach. "As a gay man, I never look at straight men as options, actually," he told BuzzFeed News. "If you tell me you're straight, good. Congratulations. I will flirt with you and have a fun time, but there's no danger here and they all felt that."

Zach said that their intimate relationship ended the instant he was evicted from the house, but according to Nicole that's not entirely accurate. "Five minutes after Frankie walked into the jury house they were on top of each other," she told BuzzFeedNews. "I didn't know how Zach was going to act towards Frankie because it was no longer a game, but, oh my gosh, I think Zach's really obsessed with Frankie."

CBS / Via blindbyourownlight.tumblr.com

Are Hayden and Nicole actually a couple?

Are Hayden and Nicole actually a couple?

The summer's other big relationship was between Hayden and Nicole — but now that the show is over, will it evaporate like so many other summer Big Brother loves?

"We are officially dating, so you can call us boyfriend and girlfriend," Nicole said. "We've been talking about moving to Chicago and seeing where things go. We're serious."

Hayden added: "Spending a lot of time in the jury house was good for us. You're completely secluded 24/7, just like the Big Brother house, but with no cameras and no game. That's a lot of time to get to know each other very personally and I can't let a girl go with that cute of an accent."


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