21 Things You Need To Remember From The "Bones" Season 9 Finale

via BuzzFeed

It was a cliff-hanger, people. A real cliff-hanger.

It starts all cozy with Brennan teaching Booth German.

It starts all cozy with Brennan teaching Booth German.

In the Season 9 finale, titled "The Recluse in the Recliner," Booth (David Boreanaz) is up for a promotion to an administrative position in Berlin, and Brennan (Emily Deschanel) is focusing on teaching him directional adverbs — "right," "left," "up," and "down" — which will most certainly come in handy. Then, Booth gets a mysterious phone call about the McNamaras and the FBI.


Turns out, the call came from a burner cell. And, upon tracing the call, it seems the burner cell got burned, along with the caller.

Turns out, the call came from a burner cell. And, upon tracing the call, it seems the burner cell got burned, along with the caller.

Yes, the man who called Booth is found dead in a trailer. Is it murder? The answer is yes, it is murder.


They identify the man as Wesley Foster, a journalist and conspiracy theorist.

They identify the man as Wesley Foster, a journalist and conspiracy theorist.

Was he a harmless quack? Let me ask another question: Do harmless quacks get murdered? No siree bob, they do not. And indeed, back at the lab, the team determines that he did not die of smoke inhalation, which is to say that he was DEAD BEFORE THE EXPLOSION THAT WAS MADE TO LOOK LIKE AN ACCIDENT. Do dead bodies drink alcohol and then fall asleep while their cigarettes are lit? No siree bob, they do not. Better luck next time, dudes-trying-to-cover-up-murder.


Wesley's hard drive was stolen. How will science know what he had discovered?

Wesley's hard drive was stolen. How will science know what he had discovered?

Well, Wesley was keeping his files on a high-grade steel nipple ring. Finally, nipple rings are getting the good media attention they deserve. Nipple rings: not just for ruffling your moms anymore.


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