Watch Nick And Amy's Fatal Attraction In "Gone Girl"

via BuzzFeed

In BuzzFeed News’ exclusive clip, Nick (Ben Affleck) and Amy (Rosamund Pike) meet and flirt at a party.

Twentieth Century Fox

Twentieth Century Fox

There's a coziness to how David Fincher's movies look that often stands in contrast to their gloomy take on humanity. You might want to read a book in the deposition room in The Social Network, or go away for a winter weekend to the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo cabin.

The warmth of Fincher's visuals — his go-to production designer, Donald Graham Burt, won an Oscar for art direction for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button — might make you forget the bleakness of his narratives. Like the fact that people's lives are being torn apart in The Social Network, and that there is a serial killer on the compound in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

Or that Nick (Ben Affleck) and Amy (Rosamund Pike), whom we see in BuzzFeed News' exclusive clip below, flirting and drinking Belgian beer ​at a party i​​n ​an upscale loft, should run screaming from each other instead of — well, instead of what happens in Gone Girl​, Fincher's twisty​ mystery thriller that opens Oct. 3.

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